Products > Word Survey

Gain Deeper Insights into Candidate Potential

Understanding the true nature of your candidates is key to successful talent acquisition. The McQuaig Word Survey® offers a groundbreaking method to uncover the underlying temperament and core traits of potential hires. By identifying qualities such as competitiveness, empathy, and analytical thinking, this tool ensures a seamless fit into your company’s culture and values


At a Glance

The McQuaig Word Survey® is a powerful tool designed to uncover the core temperament and intrinsic qualities of potential hires. By measuring essential traits such as competitiveness, empathy, and analytical thinking, it provides a detailed understanding of candidate behaviors. This insight helps you predict how candidates will perform in your organization, ensuring a seamless cultural fit. The survey streamlines the hiring process with behavior-based interview questions and supports long-term employee development and retention. 


How It Works:

Conduct the Assessment

Conduct the Assessment

Candidates complete a 20-minute self-assessment, either online or by pen and paper. This assessment measures their underlying temperament and core traits.

Analyze the Results

Analyze the Results

 Receive a detailed report outlining the candidate’s key traits and behaviors. This report includes focused interview questions to further explore these traits during the selection process.

Compare with Job Profiles

Compare with Job Profiles

Match the candidate’s temperament to the ideal profile defined by the McQuaig Job Survey®. This comparison helps you understand how well the candidate fits the role and your organizational culture.

Implement for Development 

Implement for Development 

Use the insights from the Word Survey to guide employee development, providing tailored coaching and support to help each individual succeed and stay engaged in their role.

Key Features

Global Trust

Utilized by organizations across over 30 countries, this tool is a cornerstone for effective talent selection and development.

Deep Behavioral Insights

Gauge underlying temperaments to predict on-the-job performance and behaviors, focusing on traits like competitiveness, empathy, and analytical thinking.

Enhanced Interview Process

Benefit from behavior-based interview questions tailored to each candidate, sharpening your assessment accuracy.

Efficiency and Accessibility

Offer a user-friendly format that requires only 15-20 minutes, available both online and in print, helps accommodate a diverse range of candidate preferences.

Strategic Retention and Growth

Plan beyond hiring as the Word Survey aids in crafting personalized motivation and coaching strategies, promoting long-term employee engagement and growth.

Key Features

Efficient Design

A concise 21-question survey that gathers deep insights without demanding much of your time. Designed for completion within just 10 minutes, it respects the busy schedules of hiring managers and job experts alike.


Available both online and in traditional pen and paper format, accommodating your team's preferences and ensuring accessibility for all.

Ideal Candidate Profile Creation

Generates a comprehensive profile that captures the essence of what makes an ideal candidate for your specific role, guiding your search with precision.

Behavioral Interview Guidance

Provides targeted, behavior-based interview questions that cut to the heart of each candidate's suitability for the role, enhancing the effectiveness of your interviews.

Management Considerations

Offers valuable insights into managing the strengths and tendencies of your prospective hires, ensuring a smooth integration into your team.


Efficient Design

A concise 21-question survey that gathers deep insights without demanding much of your time. Designed for completion within just 10 minutes, it respects the busy schedules of hiring managers and job experts alike.



Available both online and in traditional pen and paper format, accommodating your team's preferences and ensuring accessibility for all.


Ideal Candidate Profile Creation

Generates a comprehensive profile that captures the essence of what makes an ideal candidate for your specific role, guiding your search with precision.


Behavioral Interview Guidance

Provides targeted, behavior-based interview questions that cut to the heart of each candidate's suitability for the role, enhancing the effectiveness of your interviews.


Management Considerations

Offers valuable insights into managing the strengths and tendencies of your prospective hires, ensuring a smooth integration into your team.


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At a Glance

  • Initiate the Process

  • Discover Your Ideal Candidate

  • Refine Your Selection Criteria

  • The Foundation for Success

Initiate the Process

Begin with the quick and insightful 21-question survey to clarify the behavioral requirements of the role.

Discover Your Ideal Candidate

Analyze the report to understand the strengths and management needs of your potential new hire.

Refine Your Selection Criteria

Utilize the provided behavioral interview and reference checking questions to discern the best fit for your team.

The Foundation for Success

Positioning the McQuaig Job Survey as the cornerstone of your recruitment ensures you not only attract but also retain top talent.


Get to know your people on a deeper level.

Embrace a more informed, strategic approach to hiring and development with the McQuaig Word Survey®. Dive deeper into the essence of your candidates and the full potential of your team. Contact us for a demo and embark on a journey to stronger, more aligned teams.

One tool for all your metrics