Solutions > Hire

Build Your Best Team

With McQuaig’s comprehensive assessments, you gain the insights needed to attract and select candidates who not only fit your culture but also excel in their roles. Our data-driven approach ensures you make informed decisions every step of the way, reducing the risk of bad hires and boosting team performance.


Accurately Define Roles

Kickstart your hiring process effectively with McQuaig's Job Survey and Benchmarks. By creating detailed profiles and descriptions for your open positions, you gain a clear understanding of role requirements. This alignment ensures your team has precise expectations, leading to successful hires that fit perfectly within your organization.


Streamline Candidate Screening

Enhance your candidate evaluation with McQuaig's Word Survey and Mental Agility Test. By assessing personality traits, cognitive abilities, and behavioral attributes, you can confidently identify candidates who not only fulfill the role requirements but also align seamlessly with your company culture. 


Ensure the Best Candidate Selection

Optimize your selection process with McQuaig's Hiring Workflow and Job Fit Interview Guide. By comparing candidates against your benchmarks objectively, you minimize bias and make more accurate decisions. 

Accurately Define Roles

Start your hiring process on the right foot. Use McQuaig's Job Survey and Benchmarks to create detailed profiles and descriptions for your open positions. This ensures a clear understanding of the role's requirements, aligning your team's expectations and setting the stage for successful talent acquisition.

Streamline Candidate Screening

Dive deeper into your candidates' capabilities with McQuaig's Word Survey and Mental Agility Test. Evaluate personality traits, cognitive abilities, and behavioral attributes to identify individuals who not only meet the role's requirements but also align with your organization's culture and values.

Ensure the Best Candidate Selection

With McQuaig's Hiring Workflow and Job Fit Interview Guide, streamline your selection process. These tools help you compare candidates against your benchmarks objectively, minimizing bias and enhancing decision-making accuracy.

The McQuaig Difference

Minimize Bias, Maximize Fit: Our tools are designed to reduce subjectivity, allowing you to focus on candidates who truly fit the role.

Proven Results: Organizations utilizing McQuaig have experienced a 50% improvement in Time to Hire, a 38% reduction in Turnover, and a 24% cut in Hiring Costs.

The McQuaig Difference

A robust hiring process ensures your organization attracts and selects top talent aligned with your culture, leading to long-term growth and productivity. Effective hiring reduces turnover, boosts team performance, and fosters a positive work environment, driving your organization forward. Discover how McQuaig’s innovative tools and data-driven decisions can help you create a thriving, high-performing workforce.


Transform your hiring process today.

Join the ranks of global companies that have revolutionized their hiring process with McQuaig. Discover how our precise hiring solutions can elevate your talent acquisition strategy.