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Welcome to McQuaig

Where we empower organizations to make data-driven talent decisions. With almost 60 years of experience in the talent assessment field, McQuaig provides tools and insights that significantly reduce hiring costs, improve retention rates, and optimize employee development.

Our Approach

At McQuaig, we combine the power of data with the human touch. Our assessments are grounded in decades of research and validated by real-world application. We believe that understanding the unique attributes of individuals and teams is the foundation for making informed decisions that drive success. Our tools are designed to be easy to use, providing clear, actionable insights that can be immediately applied to improve hiring practices, develop talent, and optimize team dynamics.


Our Mission

At McQuaig, our mission is to help organizations hire, develop, and retain top talent. We combine advanced technology and scientific assessments to provide comprehensive insights into candidates, enabling employers to make informed decisions that drive organizational success.


Our Vision

We envision a future where organizations can navigate the complexities of today’s diverse talent market with ease. McQuaig's flexible platform adapts to the needs of a wide-ranging talent pool, offering seamless management and precise identification of top performers.


Our Values

We are committed to accountability, teamwork, transparency, balance, and respect. These core values are deeply embedded in our approach, ensuring that we deliver insightful and fair hiring processes supported by robust tools.


Meet our team

Danielle Santiago


Nicole Lu


Anthony Barr

Executive Director

Holly Reyes

Creative Director

Gabriel Lewis

Product Lead

Theo Patel

Senior Developer

Our History

Founded by Industrial Psychologist Jack H. McQuaig in the 1960s

Founded in 1966 by industrial psychologist Jack H. McQuaig, The McQuaig Institute has a rich history of helping organizations make better people decisions. For over five decades, we have been a trusted partner to thousands of companies worldwide. Our journey began with the introduction of the McQuaig Word Survey®, a revolutionary tool designed to understand and leverage individual strengths. Over the years, we expanded our suite of assessments to include tools for hiring, development, and leadership, all while maintaining a strong commitment to scientific rigor and practical application.

Our long-standing legacy is built on continuous improvement and adaptation to the changing needs of the workplace. We’ve stood the test of time by remaining reliable, trustworthy, and consistently delivering significant value to our customers. Today, McQuaig assessments are used globally to help organizations build more effective teams, enhance leadership capabilities, and foster a culture of continuous growth and development.

Our History

Founded by Industrial Psychologist Jack H. McQuaig in the 1960s

McQuaig has a rich history of innovation in talent assessment. From paper-based assessments to a comprehensive online platform, we have consistently evolved to meet the needs of our clients. Today, McQuaig remains a family-run business, continuing Jack McQuaig's legacy of excellence and dedication.


Industrial psychologist Jack McQuaig launches his first business, JH McQuaig and Company. School friend and trained psychologist Audrey Joy accepts a role at the office, and would later become Jack's wife.


Jack hires future partner Al Ferguson. They rename the company to McQuaig Ferguson and shift their focus to assessing sales and supervisory candidates for clients. This gives rise to the McQuaig Word Survey.


McQuaig opens an office in New York. Jack begins to travel across the US, Canada, and the UK giving seminars and talks about assessments, hiring, and psychology.


The McQuaig Institute of Executive Development launches in Toronto to support the Word Survey.


The Job Profile is introduced as a complementary tool to the Word Survey to not only assess candidates but compare them against an ideal job benchmark.


McQuaig moves away from paper-based assessments and creates the first McQuaig Online Portal.


McQuaig releases The Mental Agility Test, an assessment designed to uncover a candidate's cognitive abilities.


The Self-Development survey launches as a tool to help foster ongoing personal growth and self-awareness, developing great talent even after a candidate is hired.


Leadership 360 Review is released to recognize and nurture an employee's leadership capabilities once hired into an organization.


McQuaig launches McQuaig Labs, allowing users to interact with and use late-stage beta features before wide release. Benchmarks is the first feature to launch in McQuaig Labs.


Workflows becomes the latest addition to the McQuaig app. The first workflow introduced is the Hiring Workflow.

Why Choose McQuaig?

McQuaig is more than just an assessment provider; we are your partner in success. Our tools are designed to provide deep insights into individual and team dynamics, helping you make better decisions and create more effective teams. With a legacy of trust and a commitment to excellence, McQuaig is the choice of organizations looking to optimize their talent management strategies.


Industrial psychologist Jack McQuaig launches his first business, JH McQuaig and Company. School friend and trained psychologist Audrey Joy accepts a role at the office, and would later become Jack's wife.


Jack hires future partner Al Ferguson. They rename the company to McQuaig Ferguson and shift their focus to assessing sales and supervisory candidates for clients. This gives rise to the McQuaig Word Survey.


McQuaig opens an office in New York. Jack begins to travel across the US, Canada, and the UK giving seminars and talks about assessments, hiring, and psychology.


The McQuaig Institute of Executive Development launches in Toronto to support the Word Survey.


The Job Profile is introduced as a complementary tool to the Word Survey to not only assess candidates but compare them against an ideal job benchmark.


McQuaig moves away from paper-based assessments and creates the first McQuaig Online Portal.


McQuaig releases The Mental Agility Test, an assessment designed to uncover a candidate's cognitive abilities.


The Self-Development survey launches as a tool to help foster ongoing personal growth and self-awareness, developing great talent even after a candidate is hired.


Leadership 360 Review is released to recognize and nurture an employee's leadership capabilities once hired into an organization.


McQuaig launches McQuaig Labs, allowing users to interact with and use late-stage beta features before wide release. Benchmarks is the first feature to launch in McQuaig Labs.


Workflows becomes the latest addition to the McQuaig app. The first workflow introduced is the Hiring Workflow.


Proven Track Record

Over 58 years of experience in talent assessment.


Global Reach

Supporting organizations in over 30 countries.



Our assessments are grounded in rigorous research and validated through extensive testing.



Dedicated support and tailored solutions for your business needs.


Interested in learning more?

Join the ranks of successful organizations that have transformed their talent management strategies with McQuaig. Discover how we can help you build a stronger, more effective team today.

One tool for all your metrics