Products > Mental Agility Test

Enhance Decision Making with Cognitive Evaluation

Selecting the right candidate involves more than just matching skills and experience; it’s about understanding how they think and solve problems. The McQuaig Mental Agility Test® (MMAT) offers a precise approach to evaluating cognitive abilities, ensuring you hire talent that can drive your organization forward. By measuring key cognitive skills like mathematical ability, verbal fluency, and analytical thinking, the MMAT provides a comprehensive view of a candidate's potential to excel. 


Key Features

Efficient Design

A concise 21-question survey that gathers deep insights without demanding much of your time. Designed for completion within just 10 minutes, it respects the busy schedules of hiring managers and job experts alike.


Available both online and in traditional pen and paper format, accommodating your team's preferences and ensuring accessibility for all.

Ideal Candidate Profile Creation

Generates a comprehensive profile that captures the essence of what makes an ideal candidate for your specific role, guiding your search with precision.

Behavioral Interview Guidance

Provides targeted, behavior-based interview questions that cut to the heart of each candidate's suitability for the role, enhancing the effectiveness of your interviews.

Management Considerations

Offers valuable insights into managing the strengths and tendencies of your prospective hires, ensuring a smooth integration into your team.


Efficient Design

A concise 21-question survey that gathers deep insights without demanding much of your time. Designed for completion within just 10 minutes, it respects the busy schedules of hiring managers and job experts alike.



Available both online and in traditional pen and paper format, accommodating your team's preferences and ensuring accessibility for all.


Ideal Candidate Profile Creation

Generates a comprehensive profile that captures the essence of what makes an ideal candidate for your specific role, guiding your search with precision.


Behavioral Interview Guidance

Provides targeted, behavior-based interview questions that cut to the heart of each candidate's suitability for the role, enhancing the effectiveness of your interviews.


Management Considerations

Offers valuable insights into managing the strengths and tendencies of your prospective hires, ensuring a smooth integration into your team.


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At a Glance

  • Initiate the Process

  • Discover Your Ideal Candidate

  • Refine Your Selection Criteria

  • The Foundation for Success

Initiate the Process

Begin with the quick and insightful 21-question survey to clarify the behavioral requirements of the role.

Discover Your Ideal Candidate

Analyze the report to understand the strengths and management needs of your potential new hire.

Refine Your Selection Criteria

Utilize the provided behavioral interview and reference checking questions to discern the best fit for your team.

The Foundation for Success

Positioning the McQuaig Job Survey as the cornerstone of your recruitment ensures you not only attract but also retain top talent.

At a Glance

Incorporating the McQuaig Mental Agility Test® (MMAT) into your hiring strategy is an investment in the future of your organization. The MMAT is a leading cognitive ability assessment that evaluates key skills such as mathematical ability, verbal fluency, and analytical thinking. By understanding the cognitive strengths of your potential hires, you build a robust, dynamic team capable of meeting the challenges of tomorrow.


Step-by-Step Process for Enhanced Hiring:



Establish performance benchmarks by assessing high-performing incumbents in similar roles.



Integrate the MMAT into your evaluation of shortlisted candidates to measure their cognitive capabilities.

Analysis and Comparison

Analysis and Comparison

Compare candidates' MMAT scores against established benchmarks to identify those with the highest potential for success.

Comprehensive Evaluation

Comprehensive Evaluation

Utilize MMAT insights in conjunction with behavioral interviews and other McQuaig assessments for a holistic candidate evaluation.

Key Features

Comprehensive Cognitive Evaluation

Assess key cognitive abilities including mathematical reasoning, verbal fluency, comprehension, analytical thinking, and spatial relations.

Predictive Performance Insights

Gain reliable insights into how well candidates can process information, solve problems, and learn new skills - crucial predictors of job performance.

Benchmarking Excellence

Create benchmarks by testing high-performing employees to establish a standard for future candidates, ensuring a fit for the role and your organizational culture.

Professional and Compliant

Developed in compliance with guidelines from human rights regulatory bodies like the EEOC, ensuring a fair, unbiased assessment process.

Synergistic Integration

For best results, use in combination with the McQuaig Word Survey® and McQuaig Job Survey®, providing a 360-degree view of candidate suitability.


Transform your hiring with the McQuaig Mental Agility Test® today.

The McQuaig Mental Agility Test® empowers you to make data-driven decisions that enhance your team’s capabilities and your company’s competitive edge. Reach out to discover how the MMAT can redefine your approach to talent acquisition.

One tool for all your metrics