Products > Self-Development Survey

Personal Development, Redefined

The McQuaig Self-Development Survey® (SDS) offers a groundbreaking approach to personal and professional development, aligning individual aspirations with your organization's forward momentum.


At a Glance

Designed for the modern workforce, the McQuaig McQuaig Self-Development Survey® (SDS) is a comprehensive tool that provides insightful, actionable feedback. It empowers employees to take charge of their development journey, offering a clear path from self-awareness to action.


How It Works:

Start the Self-Assessment

Start the Self-Assessment

Begin with the McQuaig Self-Development Survey®, a versatile tool that employees can complete in just a few minutes. This self-assessment helps individuals understand their core strengths and areas for development.

Analyze Personal Insights

Analyze Personal Insights

Review the detailed report generated from the survey. This report offers enlightening personal insights and identifies key areas for growth, helping employees align their personal goals with organizational objectives.

Develop Action Plans

Develop Action Plans

Utilize the actionable feedback provided by the SDS to create personalized development plans. Employees can work independently or with their managers to set clear, achievable goals that foster continuous growth.

Enhance Team Performance

Enhance Team Performance

Implement the insights and action plans to boost individual and team performance. By empowering employees to take charge of their development, the SDS supports a culture of continuous improvement and engagement.

Key Features

Comprehensive Cognitive Evaluation

Assess key cognitive abilities including mathematical reasoning, verbal fluency, comprehension, analytical thinking, and spatial relations.

Predictive Performance Insights

Gain reliable insights into how well candidates can process information, solve problems, and learn new skills - crucial predictors of job performance.

Benchmarking Excellence

Create benchmarks by testing high-performing employees to establish a standard for future candidates, ensuring a fit for the role and your organizational culture.

Professional and Compliant

Developed in compliance with guidelines from human rights regulatory bodies like the EEOC, ensuring a fair, unbiased assessment process.

Synergistic Integration

For best results, use in combination with the McQuaig Word Survey® and McQuaig Job Survey®, providing a 360-degree view of candidate suitability.

Key Features


Employees gain confidential access to their reports, encouraging personal reflection and proactive steps toward development.

One-to-One Sessions

Facilitates meaningful conversations between managers and employees, focusing on strengths, areas for improvement, and growth strategies.

Development Plan Creation

Utilizes insights from the SDS for collaborative development planning, ensuring personal goals align with organizational objectives.


What Sets the McQuaig SDS Apart?

Backed by over 50 years of behavioral research, the McQuaig SDS reflects our commitment to your success. Easy to administer and cost-effective, it places the power of development directly in the hands of your employees.

A Future-Proof Investment in Talent:

Incorporating the McQuaig Mental Agility Test® into your hiring strategy is an investment in the future of your organization. By understanding the cognitive abilities of your potential hires, you ensure a robust, dynamic team capable of meeting the challenges of tomorrow.


A comprehensive suite for the employee lifecycle.

The McQuaig SDS is an integral part of our suite of tools, supporting your team from hiring to development, and succession planning. We're not just about placing the right people in your team; we're about nurturing them to stay and thrive.

Contact us for a demo and see firsthand how the McQuaig Self-Development Survey® can transform personal growth into your organizational strength.