The Quick Guide to Hiring Remotely

What needs to change when trying to hire in a remote context? Learn how to hire and onboard effectively while keeping your distance and what to look for in a successful remote candidate.

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Hiring from a distance

Remote hiring can be just as effective as growing your team in person, but that doesn't mean you can do everything exactly as you would in the office. There's a skill to remote hiring that great HR professionals or hiring managers take into account when embarking on a fully online search. From how you communicate with candidates, to your strategy for interviewing, to how you onboard in a virtual environment, changing your talent acquisition approach to work in a virtual setting can help you hire faster and more effectively next time you need to fill an open role.

Within this eBook you'll find:

Stats and numbers

Explore 8 tactics to help you shift away from your in office hiring strategies and tailor your interview for an online world.

Tactics to try

Check out a selection of potential interview questions to help you address remote work skills and requirements.

Learning and development

Learn how to change your usual onboarding approach to be more effective in a fully virtual setting.

It's absolutely possible to make strong new hires while interviewing and hiring at a distance. The trick is knowing what parts of your regular hiring process to keep and which ones need to be adjusted. Making those changes can be the difference between a hiring mistake and finding a talented new employee, even if you can only meet them through a screen.
