6 Critical Roles for Any Startup


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Discover 6 critical startup roles that can position your company for long-term success. Explore what makes someone successful in each role and what to look for when making your hiring decisions.

Look at you, crushing the startup game

You’ve made it to the growth and establishment phase, and you can finally afford to hire some full-timers. But how do you know which startup roles are going to help get you to the next level? And more importantly, how can you tell which candidate would be a great fit for each one? These are critical questions when you're ready to make the leap and hire your first employee - but it’s also where we come in.

This eBook outlines 6 startup roles that can help round out your company as it grows. When you hire your first employees, you're designing a startup structure that can scale alongside your business. In this eBook, you'll discover why each of these roles are critical to the longevity and health of the organization.

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