
Define Roles

Create ideal candidate profiles to compare candidates against
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Accurately defining roles is essential for successful talent acquisition.

McQuaig's tools, such as the Benchmarks feature and Job Survey, help you create ideal candidate profiles and targeted job descriptions. By leveraging these tools in tandem, organizations can gain a comprehensive understanding of the skills, traits, and competencies required for a specific role.

Job Surveys

Job surveys provide valuable insights into the specific requirements and responsibilities of a position. These surveys involve gathering information from key stakeholders to understand the skills, knowledge, and behaviours they believe are necessary for success in the role. By conducting job surveys, organizations can gain consensus across the hiring team and clearly outline the specific competencies and attributes deemed most important to be successful in the role.


Benchmarking is the process of creating a standard for measuring performance in a specific role within an organization. McQuaig understands that every organization and role is unique, and their benchmarks should reflect just that. Our solutions allow hiring teams to compare current employee assessment data and job survey results to help organizations identify an ideal profile specific to the role that they can use to objectively assess a candidate’s alignment with their expected performance standards.

This combined approach allows organizations to better define roles by identifying candidates who not only possess the necessary skills and qualifications but also demonstrate the right attributes and potential for success in the specific role. It minimizes subjectivity and biases in the selection process, leading to improved hiring outcomes and better job-person fit. By having a clear understanding of the skills and attributes required for each role, hiring teams set the stage for effective candidate screening.

Learn More About Improving Hiring Success

Companies that have leveraged the McQuaig platform have improved hiring accuracy and effectiveness around the world. After implementing our hiring solutions, our customers report they have:

Improved Time to Hire


Reduction in Turnover


Reduction in Hiring Costs
